Maugham once said in "The Moon and Sixpence" that some people say that misfortune can make human nature noble, but this statement is not true; Sometimes people are called upon to take noble actions, but instead they are happy and proud. In most cases, disasters and misfortunes can only make people narrow-minded and more vindictive.
In ancient times, some people were poor and had short aspirations, and their horses were thin and long; Poor begets cunning, rich begets conscience. Poor mountains and treacherous waters lead to unruly people.
Nowadays, society seems to be plagued with anxiety, confusion, and complaints, with officials hating wealth and celebrities hating them. Envy, jealousy, hate! The rich are bullish on housing prices, while the poor are bullish on housing prices. You write an article saying that housing prices in a certain city will rise and will inevitably be attacked by groups. If you say that the housing price will be cut in half, it will inevitably bring Sensationalism of applauding. Perhaps this is human nature.